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How to Create an Enterprise Architecture Diagram in ConceptDraw PRO

An Enterprise Architecture (EA) diagram is used to display the structure and operations of an organization.It is used to analyze and document an organization and its business functions, along with the applications and systems on which they are implemented. The aim of an enterprise architecture diagram is to determine how an organization can effectively achieve its current and future objectives. The Enterprise Architecture often uses diagrams to support the decision-making process. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to design Enterprise Architecture diagrams of any complexity.

integration definition, database design, object-oriented design, idef IDEF Business Process Diagrams

integration definition, database design, object-oriented design, idef
Use the IDEF Business Process Diagrams solution to create effective database designs and object-oriented designs, following the integration definition methodology.
This IDEF0 diagram example was redesigned from the Wikimedia Commons file: C4ISR Architecture Framework, Example Activity Diagram in IDEF0 Format.jpg. [ wiki/ File:C4ISR_ Architecture_ Framework,_ Example_ Activity_ Diagram_ in_ IDEF0_ Format.jpg]
"... the C4ISR concept of Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance ..." [ wiki/ C4ISR]
"The C4ISR Architectural Framework (C4ISR AF) is now known as DoDAF, is a reference model developed by the US Department of Defense in the 1990s." [ wiki/ Category:C4ISR_ Architecture_ Framework]
"The Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) is an architecture framework for the United States Department of Defense (DoD) that provides visualization infrastructure for specific stakeholders concerns through viewpoints organized by various views. These views are artifacts for visualizing, understanding, and assimilating the broad scope and complexities of an architecture description through tabular, structural, behavioral, ontological, pictorial, temporal, graphical, probabilistic, or alternative conceptual means.
This Architecture Framework is especially suited to large systems with complex integration and interoperability challenges, and it is apparently unique in its employment of "operational views". These views offer overview and details aimed to specific stakeholders within their domain and in interaction with other domains in which the system will operate." [ wiki/ Department_ of_ Defense_ Architecture_ Framework]
The example "C4ISR architecture framework - IDEF0 activity diagram" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the solution "IDEF Business Process Diagrams" from the area "Business Processes" of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
IDEF0 business process diagram
IDEF0 business process diagram, label, input feedback, down and under, curved arrow segment, block diagrams, IDEF0 box, IDEF0, IDEF standard diagram form,

event-driven process chain diagram, EPC diagram, process chain flowchart Event-driven Process Chain Diagrams

event-driven process chain diagram, EPC diagram, process chain flowchart
Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) Diagram is a type of flowchart widely used for modeling in business engineering and reengineering, business process improvement, and analysis. EPC method was developed within the Architecture of Integrated Information Systems (ARIS) framework.

bubble chart, bubble chart creator, bubble diagram Bubble Diagrams

bubble chart, bubble chart creator, bubble diagram
Bubble diagrams have enjoyed great success in software engineering, architecture, economics, medicine, landscape design, scientific and educational process, for ideas organization during brainstorming, for making business illustrations, presentations, planning, design, and strategy development. They are popular because of their simplicity and their powerful visual communication attributes.

process mapping, sipoc diagram, swim lanes, business mapping software Business Process Mapping

process mapping, sipoc diagram, swim lanes, business mapping software
The Business Process Mapping solution for ConceptDraw PRO is for users involved in process mapping and creating SIPOC diagrams.

systems engineering, sysml SYSML

systems engineering, sysml
The SysML solution helps to present diagrams using Systems Modeling Language; a perfect tool for system engineering.

enterprise architecture diagram, business architecture Enterprise Architecture Diagrams

enterprise architecture diagram, business architecture
Enterprise Architecture Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and library of vector stencils for drawing the diagrams of enterprise architecture models.