Offers a variety of presentation, input, and output solutions that make creating and sharing map content simple and effective. From incorporating new data into a mind map, to preparing presentations, to sharing your mind maps with others, ConceptDraw MINDMAP saves you valuable time and energy.
New Presentation Styles Make You the Master of Your Presentations
Whether you are pressed for time, need to share only specific content with your audience, or want to create a polished presentation narrative, ConceptDraw MINDMAP has the appropriate presentation style. Instead of being at the mercy of your presentation tool, you are in charge of your content.
Every presentation has to satisfy a specific need sometimes you need to focus on a particular audience or topic and sometimes you need a traditional slide presentation. Trying to use one tool or presentation method for multiple situations does not work you end up investing a lot of time to create an imperfect message. In addition, when you build slide show presentations the traditional way, you spend unnecessary time creating a presentation that is quickly out of date.
ConceptDraw MINDMAP addresses both issues of slide show generation and keeping information current you can now create presentations with one click from your mind map and your content stays relevant, saving you time.
Presentation Styles
The simplest presentation style is the default presentation style. With a single click of the mouse, ConceptDraw MINDMAP creates a presentation for you. The default presentation style is ideal when you have no time to prepare a presentation and want to share a map’s entire content.
If you have only five minutes, and you want to customize the presentation, you have several options. The default presentation style supports using the Slide Navigator to select and sequence the content you want to share. Using your mouse and

Presentation Features
Each presentation style in ConceptDraw MINDMAP is simple to prepare and present.
One of the powerful new presentation solutions is Full Screen Edit Mode. In this mode, you can project the entire map, hide the application interface, and continue to edit. This solution gives the presentation polish, focuses attention on the content, not the tool, and allows you to incorporate feedback instantly into your map. Full Screen Edit Mode supports shortcuts and
Sometimes you need the power of a polished slide presentation an impromptu presentation will not do and you want to construct a slide by slide narrative. For this scenario, ConceptDraw MINDMAP provides a comprehensive export to Microsoft PowerPoint.
Use the Slide Navigator to move presentation screens, so you can organize your presentation slides properly. While you are presenting, navigation is simple: advance your presentation one click at a time. You can easily zoom in and out, allowing you to further focus on specific ideas. While presenting, the application spotlights current topics to further focus your presentation.
ConceptDraw MINDMAP reduces the amount of time you need to prepare your presentation. You can focus on some matters, navigate and incorporate content easily, and save all of your data in one source document. You can pre-plan the presentation by saving settings to use when creating future presentations.

ConceptDraw MINDMAP Supports a Variety of Inputs and Outputs
The value of your presentations depends on the quality of your content inputs and outputs. ConceptDraw MINDMAP makes inputting and outputting data intuitive. You can gather information from multiple sources and share them in a way that works best for you and your audience. The flow of information from input to output is seamless, which saves you time and allow you to focus on other matters.
ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports numerous map inputs, including importing content from external sources such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Project, and Outlook. Even more importantly, ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports the most important inputs to mind maps input from your teams and your own thoughts and analyses. Numerous brainstorming options and usability improvements make inputting content easier than ever.
After you create your content, sharing it becomes your next goal.
If you need more presentation power, ConceptDraw Solutions provides a range of export functionalities you can download to your application. Many of these solutions are free and as more of them become available, you can download them using the ConceptDraw STORE.
In addition to the presentation styles described in ConceptDraw MINDMAP you can share map content using automatic document generation features, using intelligent topics, and exporting to Microsoft Office products. Visit the Solutions section for more input and output solutions.